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21 hours ago
The former top engineering student Wei San transmigrated into an interstellar child who was... Read more The former top engineering student Wei San transmigrated into an interstellar child who was deprived of education. By picking up garbage and turning waste into treasure, she finally saved a sum of money before the opening season of school and immediately signed up.She planned to become a Mecha Engineer in the future. It was said that it can make a lot of money and was closely related to her own original specialization. Plan pass √Unexpectedly, because of her greed for cheap tuition fees, Wei San reported to the wrong major and became a mecha individual fighter——those violent maniacs who licks blood all dayWei·Gentle & Quiet·Impoverished·Engineer: “……”However, the environment could not make her give in, and Wei San decided to learn by herself in her spare time.During the training period of a certain competition, the media interviewed and photographed the individual fighters of each school in turn, which was broadcast live on the whole interstellar network. The audience could see that everyone was training desperately, such as gravity pressurization, close combat, long-distance entanglement and so on.【YY’s melee is too strong. Who dares to melee when the light saber is out!】【ww’s whipping skills are too superb, NB(F****** great)! ! !】Then Wei San was recorded sitting cross legged in the training hall, looking down and concentrating on reading a book.【What’s that Wei San looking at?】As the camera zoomed in, the cover of the book in Wei San’s hand was immediately seen clearly by the whole star network: “Qing Fei teaches you to become a mecha master in 21 days”Audience:……As long as one hears the title of the novel, they could tell it wasn’t read by serious people.The next day, the star net headline: A military academy student was overwhelmed and mentally disordered during training, trying to change careers. Collapse Absent Parents, Battle Academy, Brotherhood, Calm Protagonist, Carefree Protagonist, Character Growth, Clever Protagonist, Confident Protagonist, Engineer, Evil Organizations, Fast Learner, Female Protagonist, Futuristic Setting, Genius Protagonist, Handsome Male Lead, Hard-Working Protagonist, Hiding True Abilities, Military, Money Grubber, Orphans, Poor Protagonist, Power Couple, Shameless Protagonist, Slow Romance, Strong Love Interests, Strong to Stronger, Transmigration, Weak to Strong Why does the cover look like kim jong-un mentally retarded world with retarded characters Quite good, comedy is decent, it can be a bit too much at times, but it's still pretty good. Idk who's the male lead tho, quite confusing in that aspect. I like MC's personality. Story looks good, bad translation tho Reviews from NovelUpdates: (Average rating on NU: 4.5; Total votes: 150; 115 5-stars) Note: Top 10 most liked written reviews are all 5/5 stars too.Quote: User: Meatshield; Status: Completed; Rating: 5/5; Likes: 34I really liked this story though I think the title and synopsis are kind of misleading.The story isn't really focused on how the MC gets into/manages to stay in school despite her abject poverty or her struggles as a mechanic engineer who accidentally became a mecha soldier. For lack of better words, the bulk of the story is sort of one long tournament arc because most of it describes the events that take place during this really prestigious extreme (capture the flag like) competition that all the military schools compete in. Of course, it's not all that simple because Spoileras they're competing, the protagonists inadvertently uncover some truly shocking political secrets and insidious plots that threaten to undermine the safety of the human race. So the protagonists become concerned with both winning the competition and bringing honour to their school and figuring out how they can stop the bad guys from essentially killing everyone.In my opinion, what makes this story really engaging is its characters, particularly the MC. A lot of Mary Sue like things happen to her Spoiler(like befriending the most talented nobles/wealthy heirs at her school, becoming really good at both being a mecha engineer and soldier, discovering that she has power beyond the 3S level, getting the attention of the most recognized military icon of their generation) but somehow she, herself, never feels like a Mary Sue because of her personality. While she is really gifted, because of her cheeky, shameless, and money-grubbing ways, a lot of people (both teachers and students included) want to beat her up all of the time. Btw although the MC interacts with a lot of guys, there's only one male lead and the romance is very slow and subtle (the most lovey dovey moments are towards the very end and the extras). The other guys and the MCs are strictly good bros but seriously the friendship between them all is so damn cute and funny as they're all pretty shameless but they care about each other a lot. I LOVED that there was almost no secrets between them because screw unneeded miscommunication and noble idiot tendencies. I hate it when authors force their MCs to shoulder everything alone when they don't have to because of pride or fear that they'll get their loved ones in trouble. Most of time things are just so much better when everyone is open and honest with each other because people can't protect themselves from dangers they're not aware of and generally there is strength in numbers. In this story, the MC and her awesome friends shoulder everything together. Besides the main cast, there are a lot of notable side characters too.Finally, it's sooo nice to see that there's gender equality in this world because the female soldiers are just as respected as the male soldiers and the MC is never treated any differently because she is a girl.SpoilerWhen people try to find fault with the MC they usually taunt her for growing up on an unknown star. Her competitors hate losing to her because she's had less time to train and less resources than them growing up, not because they think she should be weaker than them as a girl.So called "inherent" gender differences aren't even mentioned. It's refreshing af.Overall, this was a fun story to read and I'm interested to see what else this author does.Quote: User: Tutubitter; Status: Completed; Rating: 5/5; Likes: 18Not a fan of mecha themed novels much cause often times there are terminologies I can't understand. But I was really thirsting for strong female protagonists that are actually strong either physically or mentally through their own talents and hard-work. Without relying on systems or just mary sue and no hard-work at all. (Not that I hate them but it gets tiring) And thankfully the translators brought this here 🎉🥳🎉Funny and amazing novel. Starts off mild and leisurely due to Wei San's unfortunate and unlucky situation.SpoilerHeck, who wouldn't feel lost and unmotivated if you enroll to a different course by accident cause you lack money?But as the story goes, it gets more action packed and step by step deeper into the plot. The story is also very detailed which makes it even more immersive. Also, no noticeable plot holes 😌The romance part is very little and slow (no complains tho I'm already satisfied it's like a sweet dessert)What makes it all even better are the well-done characters. Each with their own distinct personalities and the author didn't give emphasis on physical beauty (which happens pretty much most novels with female protag I've read), instead author focused on their own charms and charisma.SpoilerExcept when Wei San unconsciously got whipped on ML's beauty lolAnd ngl, ML is not in my top 5 favourite characters in this novel 👀 Doesn't mean I don't ship it but it's just occupied by Wei San and friends lol. I love their platonic brotherhood camaraderie and hilarious antics.And cherry on top? 🍒Gender equality."You can't be alone with men in your room" "Let us boys handle it" "Women are just naturally weaker than men" "Men are better than women" "Men men men men men"Those does not exist. Everyone is just human and theres no emphasis on gender.Only downsides are: 1. The very rushed ending. As if suddenly theres only a few seconds left before the deadline which is very uncharacteristic of the author, who created this detailed novel. Wishing all's well, whatever it is.2. The utterly underwhelming title. I probably wouldn't have thought of reading this if it weren't for someone's recommendation and my desperation for strong female protag. Thankfully I didn't miss on this. Good novel,whis was like its cover Why do all Chinese novels with this type of cover have a title that looks like a 2000 year old metaphor that's only popular in China but is actually just comedy that is lost in translation I think the cover is f#cking hilarious... That face is some weird shit chinese joke Still funny. Based lol, btw this batch of novels are the worst Well, actually... this novel isnt half bad. Not great, for sure, but not bad. Oh Lemme try it You should read God-Like extraction, the cover doesn't do justice to the book. ye, because of the cover i passed it many many times until theres nothing else to read