Chapter 7 - Not To Regret Later
Chapter 7
[Time Skip-1 Year/Mc's age 3.5 years]
–General Pov–
In Amon's hut, he was executing his daily set of squats. "107...108..109…110… *thud*"
Passing his 100 squats threshold, Amon had conducted another 10 squats before falling on his back exhaustedly.
"Huff…. being able to break your previous limit feels nice." Amon said with a small smile while catching a breath.
His nerfed version of Saitama training of 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 1-kilometer run is paying off. He can feel the massive increase in strength during the last year.
Amon then looked around his hut. It's nothing fancy, consisting of only a bed and some accessories for eating a meal. Amon stays alone inside the hut most of the time, however, on chilly days, Isa also sleeps with him since a hut is warmer than her small tent...
Amon then searched for the jar containing water. However, even after looking out for a few seconds, he couldn't find it.
Another few seconds passed, and Amon made a thinking posture by starting to scratch his cheeks, and said, "I wonder where the jar has vanished to. Maybe a cute thief had stolen it." It was clear that he was acting. His act was bound to be seen through unless the other party isn't a toddler.
He then moved his eyes towards the door and pretended to smile playfully. "Hmm, maybe the culprit is outside, hiding by the fence…" Just as he said that, a hardly audible *gulp* sounded out.
Amon unexpectedly sat up and quickly pointed his finger towards the door, and yelled. "Boo, found you!"
"Eep!" A very frail and childish voice came from the other side.
Slowly and nervously, a small girl came out from the other side of the door. She has a small build, seemingly 2 years old. She also has a round face with large eyes full of curiosity, along with two large bangs parted to either side of her face on the front.
Meeting Amon's eye, she again went to the hide. Still, she peeked from the other side without revealing herself fully. Amon smiled seeing her, his eyes forming a crescent moon, and said, "Hey, Lil' sis, gimme the jar, I'm thirsty."
The girl had the jar with her, but she hesitated to come out. Still, after a moment of consideration and hesitation, she ran towards Amon with her small feet and placed the jar on the floor. However, she fled again after leaving the jar to Amon.
Then from across the door, she mumbled, "The jar was empty… So I took it to fill it with water."
Amon just ignored her and lifted up the jar up to his face. "*gulp* *gulp* *gulp*" With a few immediate gulps, he finished the seemingly 2 liters of water.
"Hah!" Amon released a pleased sigh after satisfying his thirst.
"Now, time to rest a little..." Saying this he fell back on his back again.
He then glanced at where the little girl was in. "Hey Raki, you still there?" But, she had already run away seeing him not thirsty anymore. She believed Amon didn't hear her mumble, however, [Observation] haki is pretty useful in these situations.
Confirming her presence no longer around using [Observation], Amon shook his face and his previous cheerful expression vanished in thin air.
'That girl, her name's Raki. She's the same girl who was on Wiper's raid team in anime. She is currently 1 year and 7 months old, and she's been living with me and Isa for 1 month now. Her parents were both raiders, they met their end 5 months ago, leaving this girl behind.' Thinking this, Amon chuckled like a child.
'Such a pitiful child, isn't she? For that reason, Isa adopted her too. So, currently, she is living with Isa, whose maximum of the time is busy and asked me to look after her. Which I don't do most of the time. However, even if I don't want to, this girl will always be around me, just like now… But, with a sad background, and on top of that a child, won't she be useful if I nurture her from this age? It's kind of wrong and sad of myself to think like that, but... I don't care at this point.'
Amon then rubbed his eyes and got up in a sitting position.
He has been training with everything he has, only to prepare for Enel. However, Enel is only dangerous because of his fruit, if he can get his hands on Goro-Goro no Mi before Enel, then everything will be settled. Since he only ate the fruit 6 years before canon, meaning when Amon turns 16, then he still has around 13 years to look for the fruit.
So if given the chance, he would definitely try to take the Goro-Goro fruit before him if given the chance. 'I will try to take the fruit before him, obviously. Rather, it would be dumb if I don't do that… But, the world is big, bigger than my previous one most likely. I don't know where Enel got the fruit from. He might have gotten it in his homeland, the Skyisland Birka. But if I'm unlucky, that might not be the case.'
He stopped for a while to stretch his body. Then continued his thoughts, 'I remember reading that Enel destroyed his island without any hesitation after getting his hands on Goro-Goro fruit. Also, he doesn't have wings like a normal Skypiean either… For a battle shounen manga's antagonist, his past seems very chìche and guessable.
Did he get tortured? Did someone cut his wings off? Or maybe he did it himself to make him different from the 'Angels' who protect 'God'. Let's not forget that he knows about gold and doesn't have any attraction to the small land of 'Vearth' named Upper-yard.
By connecting some dots, this situation can be like any other Villain's backstory in One piece. Enel was tortured by his people, so he escaped from the sky to the blue sea. Since he felt disgraceful towards the wing-race, he cut them off himself. One day, while nurturing his resentment inside his little heart, thinking that he won't be able to get back on his torturers, he unexpectedly came across a 'magical' fruit. He received 'invincibility' and finally took his revenge by destroying the whole of Birka island.
Doesn't it seem like a good backstory?'
Finishing his own theory, Amon used his observation Haki at full power trying to see how far he can 'see'. 'Damn… The current me can barely cover 1/10 of the Upper-yard, while Enel could cover more than the whole Upper-yard and Angel island together… even though he used his fruit to boost his 'Mantra'.'
A few seconds passed and he sighed. "In the end… I'm wrong. I'm too wary in this life."
'I'm obviously making useless assumptions since if he really visited the blue sea and learned about gold and other machinery down there, he should also know about rubbers, which he definitely didn't as he asked what rubber is in his fight with Luffy… But, I should better be cautious rather than regretting it later. I am considering the worst case. The possibility where Enel will definitely get the devil fruit before me and I have to fight him, or if luck isn't on my side, I may even have to flee…'
Amon covered his face with a hand and mumbled. "In the end, I'm just considering the worst case possible, but at least by self-hypnotizing myself like this, I can motivate myself to continue my training." With another chuckle, Amon got up from his position.
It was time to take his workout to the next level.
A/N: *Cough*... For those who were talking about why Mc doesn't think about taking Enel's fruit before him… here is the reason. *cough* This chapter was part of the previous one. But since it became too big, I had to divide it… *cough*
Thanks to @Reticulum for working very hard to proofread and edit my trashy writing.
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