Chapter 5: My Submissive Slut Wife Life
Chapter 5: My Submissive Slut Wife Life
I am a loving, submissive slut wife to my husband. I call him Sir and he calls me whatever he wants.
My Sir has been out of town for work and he comes home tonight. I can't wait for him to return home because I am sure he will use me for his pleasure, which gives me pleasure too.
I've been his good slut wife in his absence. I am ALWAYS a good girl when he's out of town, mostly because I have to be. I have no choice in the matter really. Not anymore anyway.
We have a long standing rule that I'm only allowed to orgasm in his presence and then only after granted permission. So clearly I'm never allowed to orgasm when he is out of town. It wouldn't really matter if I wanted to orgasm now though because I am always locked up in my chastity belt when he's out of town. Yes, my needy pussy is locked away from my touch when he is away. He says it keeps me honest. And if I'm being truthful, he's right.
The chastity belt started becoming a thing about a year ago, as a result of my failure to be good when he was out of town. While I knew the rule that I was to abstain from touching myself when he wasn't around, I just got so fucking horny. I simply needed to orgasm!
The thing was he had been gone for an entire week already and I still had another week to go before he was back home again. And since being married he has trained me into needing sex all the time. (And before you ask, YES I agreed to being my husband's submissive slut wife. He gave me the choice before we were married and I readily agreed! So the first thing he did was to train me into being wet and ready for him all the time. I never deny him, unless I'm sick. That's the only denial allowable, which has to be declared up front and never when he's already trying to get inside me.)
So as a slut should be, I am wet more often than not. Kind of like Pavlov's dogs needing treats, since I am trained to need sex I am therefore always wet! Maybe now you can believe me when I tell you, I just couldn't help myself. After a week of not being touched, I needed it! My pussy was throbbing and achy. Besides, I didn't even think he'd know if I helped myself to some porn and rubbed one out. I mean seriously, how would he? And then I found out he DID know and I found out exactly HOW he knew too.
Upon his arrival home, I greeted him exactly how I always do. I was at the door waiting, naked, arms by my side, feet spread shoulder width apart. He used to have me on my knees and head facing downward. I'd be so excited to see him though I wouldn't ever stay that way long so he soon gave up on that and let me stand.
He walked in and he greeted me with the usual, "Hello my love." That was when I draped my arms around him and said, "Hello Sir. I'm glad you are home! I missed you so much!"
He asked, "Just how much?" and he reached down to touch my pussy where, of course, he found me wet. (Like I said already, I am ALWAYS wet and needy!)
"I missed you SO much Sir. Can I ride your cock to show you just how much?"
"No, you may NOT!"
"What? Why not? Sir, it's been a long time since you've had me. Don't you need me to love on you?"
"Well. I'm not too happy with you right now. Why don't you start by telling me," he paused for a dramatic moment, then said, "what is our rule about your orgasms?"
That's when I knew he knew. I didn't know how he knew yet but there was no doubt he knew. I dropped my head and said, "I'm sorry Sir. How do you know?"
"I had cameras installed awhile ago. I thought they'd be handy if our house was broken into, but I quickly found out there was another use too. I just never told you."
"I'm really sorry Sir."
"Too little, too late my lovely. But I suppose its not entirely your fault either. We have trained you into being my perfect submissive slut wife. So while I don't approve of your selfish act, I can see how you just couldn't help yourself too."
It was then that he put his hand to my chin and raised my head to force my eyes to greet his. He leaned in and kissed me then too. As he pulled back, he said, "It's okay. I know we need to get you some extra help Baby Girl. We will get that help for you soon enough so that in the future you'll be kept honest."
I didn't exactly know what that meant at the time, but I do now. That was when he got me a custom fitted Chastity Belt. It took awhile to arrive because it was indeed custom made to fit, but when it did, it became part of my norm every-single-time he is out of town and sometimes when he is in town too.
The belt fits snug and secure. There's no ability to touch myself when it's locked in place, which is why I hated it at first.
He would prepare for his trip and just before leaving he'd tell me, "Go get the belt ". This is when I'd beg him to not make me wear it. I promised all sorts of things, not the least of which was that I'd be a good girl. But none of that mattered.
He was undeterred, adamant and unrelenting. He would say, "You know you don't have the will power my sweet Slut girl. It's better if you just start accepting that you need this and give into it rather than fight it," which is when the belt would click into place, and Sir would secure it with the lock.
Sir always hides the key in our house before he leaves, in case I need it for some sort of emergency, where he'd then tell me where its located. In the beginning, I would be so desperate to get the belt off that I'd search the house in an attempt to find the key. I was never successful though.
Finally I gave into the belt and accepted it, the way he instructed me to from the get go. He wasn't ever going to change his mind and this was the new norm for me for sure. So I decided I may as well just get over myself and accept it. And accept it I did.
Now I must admit that I rather like it. It does indeed keep me honest. I no longer worry about trying to ensure I am his good girl when he's gone now because I have the comfort of knowing I can't touch myself at all. So now I've learned to just relax into my it and just know it's keeping me honest. Not to mention, I'm even more ready for my Sir when he gets back home again too. It's really a double win for us both now too!
That brings me back to today. Sir just walked in the door from another long work trip away from home. I just greeted him in my usual place at the back door wearing my usual home attire which is to say I have on nothing except of course, my Chastity Belt.
"Sir, I am so happy to see you. As always, I've missed you so much!"
"Were you a good girl, my love?"
"Yes Sir."
"So you wore no clothing when in our house? And you didn't touch yourself either?"
I rolled my eyes and said, "Yes. Of course Sir. But you already knew that, right??"
"Did you seriously just cope an attitude with me 30-seconds after I have just now arrived home?"
Naturally I immediately knew I shouldn't have answered him with an eye roll and a response like I did, but I guess the questions seemed so unnecessary.
He continued, "I am so disappointed slut. You know better than to talk to me that way and especially immediately after my arrival. You've not even been released from the belt yet!
"I'm sorry Sir. I made a bad choice for sure."
He let out a bit of a smirking laugh and said, "you can sure say that again! I guess now we will be leaving you in the belt for awhile longer, won't we?"
I hung my head and said, "I was so looking forward to you using my body Sir. I'm sorry you can't now".
"Oh I can and I will still use your body just not in the way either of us would have thought. Now I'll just take what's mine and you'll just have to take what you get. Go Assume the Position now and wait for me."
Ugh. Me and my big mouth get me into trouble every time. While I've come to like the belt on when my Sir is gone, I absolutely hate wearing it when he's home. For obvious reasons.
"Assume The Position" are my Sir's magic words that typically mean I'm to be disciplined, specifically spanked. When my behavior doesn't match what my Sir would expect from his good submissive wife, I am disciplined and that usually comes in the way of being spanked with the whip or the paddle or his belt. The Position is where I am on the bed, face down, pillow under my hips to raise my ass in the air, and arms underneath me and going down between my legs. My arms have to be out of the way so as to not prevent Sir from soanking me in any way. Lastly, I also have to set out all three of the whip, paddle, and belt right beside me. Whichever side of me that I set the punishment tools, I am required to turn my head to the opposite side so that I am unable to see or know which tool my Sir choses to use until I feel it across my ass with the first stroke.
How in the hell did I manage to fuck up in the very first minute he walked in the door? I can just be such a fucking stupid cunt sometimes. And so it was, that I Assumed the Position instead of enjoying some sexy fun times with my Sir.
I don't know how long I waited exactly, but it wasn't long really. Sir came in and started talking immediately.
"Why in God's name did you smart off to me Slut?"
"I'm sorry Sir."
SMACK! Fuck that hurt. Sir is definitely NOT going to mess around tonight! I could tell he chose the paddle and he swung with intention right from the start.
"I did not ask for an apology. I asked a question that deserves an answer."
"I thought the question about me not touching myself was unnecessary Sir. Clearly I have been good as I am still wearing my belt, even now as you deliver this punishment Sir."
"Well. At least you are now being honest. But does it really matter if my questions are unnecessary? Is that how you should have answered me?"
"No Sir."
"Finally. Now we are making progress. I can't brloeve THIS is what you made me cime home to. I'm sorely disappointed in you."
I said nothing. I knew he was right.
He continued, "let's get this over with so I can start to enjoy my time home. You'll count them out now as I will deliver 10 hard ones to your ass.... with the belt ON! And do NOT forget to thank me too!"
He wasn't kidding when he said hard ones. My ass was hurting so badly after just three, that after five I was crying. Then after eight I was sobbing and at ten I could barely get the words "Ten Sir, Thank you Sir." out of my mouth but I did manage it.
This is usually where Sir sits me up, hugs me tightly, and tells me all is forgiven. But that didnt happen tonight. Instead as I still was in The Position, he said, "All is forgiven. However, I am now going to use your body the way I promised I would so don't even think about moving."
I managed to say, "Yes Sir" and I laid perfectly still.
I heard the distinct sound of his pants coming down and hitting the floor. Then I felt the bed move as he climbed on. He said, "Spread your legs as wide open as you can now."
I didn't think he was going to mount me from behind with my belt on, but I guess that is his plan now. He's done this before but not too often either. I'm not too sure he likes the feeling of the belt between us.
I didn't respond with words, but instead just did as I was told.
I felt his legs between mine then. He laid his whole body down onto my back and whispered in my ear, "Are you my good slut wife?"
"Yes Sir."
"Will you let me use your body now Slut?"
"Yes Sir"
"Any way I want to?"
"Yes Sir. I want to please you and I offer my entire self to you always."
"Now you are being my Good Girl. I knew you'd give me anything I wanted to take, but I like it when you respond to my unnecessary questions with real answers. I'm going to give it to you in the ass now."
"Thank you Sir".
He then added, "I've decided to be nice since you took your punishment without complaints, so I've lubed my cock so I can slide in easier for you now too."
With that, I felt his hand go down to guide his cock into position so as to enter my ass. When he was in position, his hand moved up to push my hair to the side where he then kissed the back of my neck ever so softly, while asking, "Ready?"
This part is always the hardest. He always enters me the same way... fast and deep, in one swift move, but then he does hold himself there for me to relax into the fullness of it.
I said, "Yes Sir" and held my breathe in anticipation of it. And just as I expected, he pressed all the way to balls deep in one solid move. Despite having my chastity belt still on where he had to press through the anal hole, he is indeed still every bit inside me and I'm keenly aware of how full my ass is at that moment. As well, even knowing what to expect, it always takes my breath away. It always gives me goose bumps on my arms and legs, while making me feel as if I'm going to throw up for just a minute. So I just relax and take the minute of grace that my Sir affords me instead as he just held himself there and waited.
I know from experience to tell him when I've adjusted. So after I do indeed catch my breath, and have willed myself to relax, I say, "Thank you Sir. I'm ready now Sir."
That's when he said, "while I'm tired from traveling I know I need to orgasm right now. So while this isn't how I envisioned this going, I'm going to take what I need and am going to ride your ass hard. If you can orgasm this way, you may do so. But make no mistake, your pleasure simply isn't my concern tonight. If you can orgasm fine, but if not, oh well. Are you ready my love?"
"Yes Sir. Thank you Sir."
It was then that he lifted up onto his hands, off my back, and pulled his cock nearly all the way out of my ass, he held himself there for just a second longer than I expected, and then he began to deliver on his promise of riding my ass hard.
He slammed his cock all the way into my ass but this time instead of waiting for me to adjust, he began his assault by pulling right back out again. Then he started to press in and out, going faster and harder as he picked up speed. Over and over again, he was giving me everything he had. In and out. Fast and hard. I felt every last one of his beautiful cock's inches thrusting deep each and every time.
I heard him saying stuff that while talking to me was also just talking to himself too. He said stuff like, "I'm taking what is fucking mine!" and "This ass belongs to ME!" and "Take my cock all the way deep" and lastly, "This is what you get when you act like a stupid fucking bitch".
I loved it all. I was my husband's fuck doll and was finding my pleasure in serving him as the submissive slut wife I am! The more he rode my ass, the closer I got to orgasm. I could feel it rising up in my untouched and fully locked up pussy. I was surprised to be feeling such a terrific rise of my own orgasm bubbling up when my needy pussy was being so obviously neglected on purpose.
I was so enjoying the moment and willing my own orgasm to come forth when I felt my Sir's hand slap down on my still very tender ass. He hit my ass pretty hard causing my orgasm to fall away and back down just out of reach.
And that was when I heard him let out the words, "Fucking yesssss....". At that moment, he slammed into my ass for the last time and just held himself there. I felt his cock flex deep inside my ass and I knew he was filling my hole with his hot cum. I also knew I was not going to be getting my own orgasm tonight as I was not able to get my own release before he did.
A minute later he pulled out and rolled over to the side of me, where he pulled me to him. He said, "All really is forgiven my beautiful slut wife" when he then kissed my lips hard and full.
To which my only response was, "Thank You Sir."
As he moved me into a snuggled up cuddle, he whispered in my ear, "you aren't going to get the belt off tonight. I know you didn't orgasm and we can't allow you to sneak one on your own.. now can we?"
With that I simply said, "I know you know how to keep me honest Sir."
Then I heard his breath get deep. He was drifting off to sleep while I was left only to wonder, if only I hadn't smarted off, what could have been!
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