Chapter 21
Chapter 21
At the midway point to school Oliver spotted Alex and Rachel walking a bit further ahead of him . He silently followed behind them, when he was near enough he noticed that Alex and Rachel were holding hands, upon seeing this Oliver snickered . ’These two are getting along pretty well . I’m proud of you comrade having to hold hands on the way to school, such is youth . ’ Oliver then tapped Alex’s back, Alex turned his head around shocked at the sudden tap, but even while doing this he didn’t let go of Rachel’s hand .
Alex looked like he was about to strike but then he saw it was Oliver he tapped him, he stopped . "Your back was wide open comrade . . . Good morning comrade Alex, Comrade Rachel . "
"Good morning" Rachel gave her greeting but Alex was just staring dumbly at Oliver . Rachel nudged Alex gaining his attention, she then using her eyes signaled Alex to greet Oliver .
"Good Morning Oliver" While the three started walking again heading to school, Alex was in deep contemplation .
’How did he get behind me without me noticing?! He was even able to touch me, if he was an assassin I would have been dead for sure . . . It seems like I truly underestimated Oliver . . . No James Bourne . ’ Alex smiled finding a friend who was at the same level as him who was also the same age as him was a great fortune .
Yet Alex didn’t know he was overestimating Oliver’s skills too much . The reason Oliver was able to get so close without Alex noticing was because of a combination of reasons . Number one Alex’s thoughts were currently jumbled up, and he could not focus properly . Second the emotional dilemma he was having and couldn’t understand kept bothering him, even though he denies it . Thirdly and most importantly all of his attention was on Rachel’s soft comfortable hand holding his own . With all of this distractions and Oliver’s great timing, he was able to tap Alex’s back .
Still without any knowledge of all of these factors, Alex simply assumed it was part of Oliver’s skills . Alex walked in the middle of Rachel and Oliver, he looked at Oliver and smiled .
"Don’t worry Oliver, I won’t let my guard down anymore . . . Thanks . " Oliver and even Rachel looked at Alex confused, the only difference was Rachel showed her confusion in her facial expression, Oliver on the other hand kept a serious look and nodded even though he didn’t understand what Alex was saying .
When the trio where near school a bunch of students noticed them, but the reaction on seeing the group was not as loud as yesterday, still Alex could hear some of their whispering .
"Look at them together, do you think the three of them are involve in a love triangle?"
"Huh? . . . Actually you might be right Rachel being chased by two boys isn’t anything new . "
"No I’m talking about Alex chasing Rachel, Rachel chasing Oliver, and Oliver chasing Alex . "
"What?! Don’t tell me your bl crap you know I can’t handle that . "
"Why? Isn’t it hot and steamy just thinking about it?"
The other conversations were about the tennis match that happened yesterday .
"Hey look its Alex! Isn’t he so handsome and now that I look at him isn’t he sexy? The tennis match yesterday made him look so manly . (sigh) I wish he would look my way . "
"Dream on . . . Don’t you see his already with Rachel . "
"Yeah your no match for her, if you’re not one of the three Goddesses you wouldn’t even able to fight back . "
"Who knows, Alex might like a girl whose better in the inside than what she looks like in the outside . "
"Heh, your talking like you’re any good inside . . . Rachel already won in that area, we know how much you like bitching about, you slut . "
Some were even planning ways on how to show off in front of Rachel .
"Hey so what do you think any chance?"
"You saw how he moved yesterday, he even caught a tennis ball bare handed! There’s noway we can win in sports against that guy . "
"Then if we can’t beat him athletically, we can beat him using our brains, a . k . a academically . "
"That’s a no go too . I learned from a friend whose in his class, Alex is even smarter than most of the teachers . He even corrected them while they were doing their lessons . "
"Damn it! Then how can we even compete with him"
Those were the conversations Alex could hear while passing by some students . He didn’t understand some of them, but it didn’t matter as long as they don’t have hostile intentions on Rachel, he could care less .
Another day in school that was suppose to be the same as yesterday, but now there was a difference . The difference was Alex noticed that someone had tampered with his locker, being on high alert Alex opened his locker carefully, and a bunch of letters fell down . Oliver looked a bit excited while Rachel was pouting, even though when she opened her own locker a similar flood of letters fell down .
"Are those letters of challenge?" Oliver asked Alex excitedly .
"Those are love letters, good for you Alex . " Rachel was the one who answered Oliver’s question while pouting .
Alex looked at the letters and was seriously thinking of what to do with them .
"Aren’t you happy Alex, you might actually find someone who wont put you in a friend zone, and actually date you . " Rachel’s tone was sour . She continued pouting while looking at Alex’s serious expression as he stared at the letters .
"I’ll read them later, but I really don’t have time for this . " Alex placed all the letters in a plastic bag .
"You don’t have time? What, aren’t you happy your so popular?" Rachel was feeling a bit better when she heard Alex had no time for such things, but her tone was still sour .
While he was putting all the letters in a plastic bag Alex answered Rachel . "I already have a full time job of being your friend, I don’t have time for this . "
When Oliver heard what Alex said he whistled . Rachel on the other hand went from pouting to blushing .
"Really? Well I’m sorry then . " Rachel stormed off into the classroom .
’How can he keep on saying such lines with a serious face . So its better to be my friend than to have another person as his girlfriend . ’ Rachel was blushing but her face was showing a smile as she started giggling which made everyone who saw her swoon at her cuteness .
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